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Almost 5000 child abuse cases over a three-year period

Shocking Child Abuse Statistics Reveal Alarming Trends

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A staggering 4,963 cases of child abuse were reported by the national child welfare authorities from 2021 to 2023, highlighting a critical issue within society. According to statistics from the Ministry of Women, Children, and Social Protection, over 50% of the victims were girls, and more than half of them were under the age of 12. The breakdown of these distressing reports revealed that 68% of the cases involved various forms of abuse, including neglect, physical abuse, and sexual abuse.

Moreover, the data indicated that half of the perpetrators were immediate family members, and around 50% of the abuse cases were brought to light through the child helpline. Alarmingly, statistics from the Fiji Bureau of Statistics’ Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS Plus 2024-2025) suggested that 80% of children aged one to 14 had recently experienced violent discipline.

The seriousness of the situation is underscored by disturbing revelations from the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, which reported that the youngest rape victim last year was only three years old, while the youngest accused was just 12.

In response to this pressing crisis, the Ministry has emphasized the importance of reviving the National Coordinating Committee on Child Protection. During a recent meeting, Minister Sashi Kiran stressed the urgent need for a coordinated response to the pressing challenges of child protection, particularly concerning the alarming statistics surrounding violence against children.

Looking ahead, the ministry has outlined plans to implement significant pieces of legislation, including the Adoption Act (2020), Child Justice Act (2024), and Child Care and Protection Act (2024). In addition, there will be a concerted effort to enhance child protection training, monitoring systems, and collaboration with partners.

The establishment of the Department of Children is seen as a critical step in safeguarding children’s rights, reinforcing the ministry’s commitment to a zero-tolerance policy against violence.

In summary, while the numbers regarding child abuse are grim, the proactive measures being taken by the Ministry provide a sense of hope that meaningful change can be achieved. The focus on legislative reforms and strengthening protective mechanisms highlights a determined effort to combat child abuse and ensure that the rights of children are upheld.


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