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Illustration of Biman says Premila ‘fond of generalisations’

Opposition Accused of Generalizations Amid Claims of Government Inaction

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Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Professor Biman Prasad has criticized Opposition MP Premila Kumar for making sweeping statements without presenting factual evidence. His comments come in response to Kumar’s assertion that the Coalition Government has not introduced new programs and is simply continuing initiatives initiated by the previous FijiFirst Government.

Kumar pointed out that initiatives such as free education, scholarship programs, enhanced welfare assistance, pensions for the elderly and disabled, bus fare subsidies, and food vouchers for pregnant rural mothers were all established by the former administration. She further stated that the Coalition Government has not made any notable progress since taking office, contrasting it with the prior government’s achievements, which included the development of 7,000 kilometers of roads and 1,200 bridges and jetties.

Additionally, Kumar expressed concern that the proposed 2024/2025 Budget includes a substantial reduction in funding for the Fiji Roads Authority, which could jeopardize future infrastructure projects. She claimed that the current government is merely benefiting from the groundwork laid by the former administration.

In response, Professor Prasad accused Kumar of being prone to generalizations. He stated that while she discusses issues like poverty and unemployment, she often fails to provide supporting facts. He emphasized the significant support his government has offered in the past 18 months to improve infrastructure and services that were previously neglected. Prasad suggested that Kumar would be more effective in expressing her concerns if she included factual information.

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