Police Constable Sadamma, stationed at the Labasa Police Station, has shared her inspiring journey of balancing her career as a police officer with her responsibilities as a wife and mother. This perspective was highlighted during a recent ceremony where she and 37 other personnel from the Northern Division received Long Service and Good Conduct medals, presented by Acting Commissioner of Police Juki Fong Chew at the Labasa Civic Centre.
Having dedicated 20 years to the Fiji Police Force, Sadamma’s career has included service at the Totogo Police Station in Suva and the Lautoka Police Station. Reflecting on her experiences, she acknowledged the initial challenges of working in a predominantly male environment. “It wasn’t easy at first, but with the support from my family and understanding superiors, I was able to perform my duties effectively,” she shared.
Currently, she is a member of the Sexual Offence Unit, where her work primarily involves handling sensitive cases related to children and women. Sadamma expressed her passion for her role, stating, “I chose to become a Policewoman because I wanted to help others, especially women and children.”
Encouraging young women aspiring to enter law enforcement, she emphasized the importance of perseverance, stating, “Nothing comes easy in life; everyone must either work hard or smart to have a fulfilling career.” Her words serve as a motivation for many, reinforcing the message that success in challenging roles is attainable with dedication and support.
Sadamma’s journey not only highlights her personal achievements but also underscores the evolving role of women in policing. It stands as a testament to resilience and determination, sending a powerful message to future generations: that through hard work and support, women can overcome obstacles and pursue fulfilling careers across diverse fields.
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