Ratu Baleidreima, a 53-year-old resident of Nadi, is determined to build a more resilient home capable of withstanding future floods. He, along with his wife and five children, were forced to evacuate their home when floodwaters inundated their property on Friday, joining others sheltering at Andrews Primary School in Nadi.
In 2019, Baleidreima purchased land at Nawaijikuma Settlement, known for its flood vulnerability, and constructed a temporary home for his family. He remarked on the frequent evacuations they experience during floods, indicating a pressing need for a more permanent solution.
“My biggest hope is to construct a sturdy house elevated on posts for my family. We have plans in place, but my limited income must prioritize my children’s education first,” he shared, highlighting the challenges of balancing financial constraints with the urgent need for safe housing.
Baleidreima’s eldest child attends Nadi Special School, while his second child is set to enter high school next year, and the remaining three are in primary school. This focus on education underscores the family’s aspirations for a better future despite current hardships.
As they dealt with the flooding, Baleidreima recounted how they were enjoying their Christmas Day lunch when the waters unexpectedly surged into their home. They promptly alerted the police, gathered essential items, and were evacuated to safety.
Looking ahead, Baleidreima expressed optimism as he waits for the floodwaters to recede, planning to clean their home and eventually turn their dream of a more secure family residence into reality.
This story not only highlights the resilience of a family facing adversity but also illustrates the broader issue of climate change and the need for sustainable housing solutions in flood-prone areas. With determination and support from the community, families like Baleidreima’s can find hope and make strides toward a more secure future.
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