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BCF Official Calls for Transparency and a Fresh Start in Boxing Promotions

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Following calls for increased transparency regarding promoters’ involvement with boxers, former Boxing Commission Fiji (BCF) official Subhash Appanna insists that a “fresh start” is necessary.

Boxing trainer and former boxer Saimoni Taudomo has accused BCF of prioritizing certain promoters’ interests over their primary responsibility of looking after boxers. In response to allegations that promoters are exploiting boxers for personal gain, Appanna made the bold decision to reject the renewal of South Pacific Boxing Promotions’ Freddy Chand’s promoter license for 2023.

“This decision was made by a BCF board resolution, and as chairman, it was my duty to implement and enforce it,” Appanna said.

Documents were provided to this newspaper detailing the requests the former BCF board had made to Freddy Chand. When a new board was instated, however, none of these issues were addressed, as they sought a “fresh start.”

Appanna highlighted a title fight scheduled for August 10, featuring Chand’s boxers Shalvin Chand and Ritesh Goundar, which involves a title stripped from Binnu Singh Jr without clear reasons. “He wants to defend it, but there have been no takers,” Appanna stated. “Binnu has remained active in the ring without any encouragement from BCF to defend the title that was taken from him. Who benefits from this decision?”

Appanna also noted that Binnu holds four titles and it is BCF’s responsibility to instruct him on which ones to defend. “If he hasn’t defended one title for a while because he’s been defending another, is it justified to strip him of the belt?”

Freddy Chand’s next promotion is set for August 10 at Subrail Park in Labasa.

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