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Illustration of Incorrect info delays payment for students

Back-to-School Payment Delays: What Parents Need to Know

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The Ministry of Education has addressed concerns regarding delays in disbursing the $200 Back-to-School Support payments to some parents. Education Minister Aseri Radrodro indicated that the delays were largely attributed to inaccuracies in applicants’ information. Problems noted include incorrect FEMIS ID numbers, Birth Registration Numbers, mobile contact information, and payment methods. These discrepancies have hindered families’ ability to adequately prepare for school shopping, thus emphasizing the importance of ensuring correct information is submitted.

Minister Radrodro instructed that application forms must be filled out at schools, where the Head of School is responsible for verifying the necessary details by the December 13, 2024, deadline. Additionally, he highlighted that late submissions from certain schools and the sharing of information by third parties, which breaches confidentiality, have also contributed to the delays.

Year 12 students looking to enroll for the 2025 academic year must ensure their Back-to-School Support applications are submitted on time to facilitate appropriate financial assistance. The ministry remains committed to addressing these challenges to guarantee that families receive the support they need as they prepare for the upcoming school year.

Previously, reports noted that over 208,000 applications for financial assistance have been processed, with approximately 200,000 payments already disbursed, indicating the government’s ongoing commitment to supporting low-income families. The Back-to-School Support program represents an annual investment of approximately $130 million, designed to alleviate educational expenses and enhance accessibility for students.

As the Ministry addresses these issues, it expresses hope that by streamlining the application process, families will be better positioned to secure the necessary funds to ensure their children start the academic year equipped and ready to learn. This collaborative effort between the Ministry and local schools underscores a unity in aiding families through the educational preparation process.


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