Women Own 19% of Fijian Businesses

19% of Fiji’s Companies Are Women-Owned, Reveals Tabuya

Lynda Tabuya, a Member of Parliament in Fiji, revealed that a mere 19% of businesses in the country are owned by women. The low figure points to the need for increasing women’s participation in entrepreneurial activities and empowering them financially as part of the larger economic development goals.

Women’s Economic Empowerment Requires Attention

Tabuya emphasised the need for government policy intervention to support women in business. She advocated for giving women the required monetary assistance, advice, training, and resources to assist them in establishing and flourishing their businesses. Addressing the Parliament on her motion, Tabuya stressed the need for women’s economic empowerment for a more balanced and prosperous society.

Women’s contribution to economic growth often goes unnoticed, and they must be encouraged and empowered to start their businesses. It is crucial to include them in decision-making, Tabuya proposes.

Motivating Women to Venture into Business

Women are indeed capable of handling businesses. This is evidenced by the Fijian women who have ventured into various businesses, including fisheries, saloons, eateries, retail outlets, among others, despite the challenges and minimal educational qualifications.

The Member of Parliament recognised these efforts and called for strategic plans to motivate more women to venture into business. She believes that women can improve their situation through business ventures and contribute significantly to the country’s GDP.

Government Support Urged

Tabuya encourages the government to provide grants and soft loans to intending female business owners. These schemes are aimed at empowering them to start their businesses and eventually grow into successful ventures. She proposed the implementation of efficient, accountable, and transparent systems in handling these financial aids.

The call to action is for the government to introduce policies that will reduce gendered economic inequalities, help women become financially independent, and ultimately achieve gender parity in Fiji’s business sector.

The women of Fiji represent a significant untapped potential for national economic growth. By taking steps to increase female ownership in businesses, Fiji could achieve an increase in its GDP and socio-economic improvement at large.

Source: https://www.fijivillage.com/news/19-of-businesses-in-Fiji-are-owned-by-women—Tabuya-5x48fr/

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