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Today’s School Closures

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Sustained School Closures in Fiji Despite Ease of Weather Conditions

All educational institutions in Fiji will remain closed today even though the weather conditions in the country have shown a sign of improvement. According to the Ministry of Education, Heritage and Arts, the decision has been primarily made in the interest of students’ safety amid potential post-weather condition hazards.

Weather Remains Unpredictable: Fiji Met Service

The Fiji Met Service announced on Tuesday that while the weather situation in most parts of the country returned to normal, it will remain uncertain in some areas. Heavy rain alerts and thunderstorm warnings have been issued for the parts of maritime islands and interior of the larger islands. Following the weather conditions, the National Disaster Management Office advised people to remain careful.

Infrastructure Damage Heightened Safety Concerns

The heavy rain and strong winds experienced over the past days have caused notable infrastructural damage across the country. Some areas have witnessed significant flooding that resulted in road blockages and power outages. This has triggered concerns over students’ security and the ability for schools to safely accommodate learners, leading to extended school closures.

Ministry of Education’s Concerns Over Student Safety

The Ministry of Education, Heritage and Arts emphasized student safety as their prime concern. While the damage assessment in the affected areas is ongoing, the department has called for all schools to continue their closure to avoid putting students and teachers at any unnecessary risk.

Remote Learning Encouraged

As an alternative, the Ministry of Education urges students to utilise remote learning opportunities. They advised parents to encourage their children to use materials such as textbooks and worksheets provided by schools and also make the best use of available digital platforms to ensure continued learning.

The Ministry of Education alongside the National Disaster Management Office and Fiji Met Service continues to closely monitor the situation. They are working collaboratively to ensure public safety and better manage Fiji’s response to the extreme weather conditions.


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