Apenisa Lalabalavu, a talented 16-year-old student from Marist Brothers High School, distinguished himself at the recent Coral Coast 7s rugby tournament, where he was awarded the best player in the Youth Division. Representing the Southland Broncos, Lalabalavu played a crucial role in his team’s impressive 19-0 victory against the Dominion Brothers in the final match.
Expressing his gratitude, Lalabalavu said, “I want to thank God for our lives, and we played well against a good side like Dominion Brothers.” This achievement marks an important milestone for him as it was his first experience playing in the Coral Coast 7s tournament. Last year, Lalabalavu also contributed to the Marist Brothers under-16 rugby team.
In addition to his rugby aspirations, Lalabalavu is balancing academics, showing commendable dedication to his studies. He shared that he is also competing in the 200m track event for Marist in the upcoming Secondary school Fiji finals, highlighting his athletic versatility.
Lalabalavu has his eyes set on a future career in law enforcement, aiming to become a police officer after completing his high school education. His commitment to both sports and academics showcases the potential of young athletes not only to excel in their sporting pursuits but also to build solid career foundations.
As young talents like Apenisa Lalabalavu continue to shine through their dedication and hard work, their stories serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for peers aspiring to pursue their own dreams in sports and beyond.
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