Prime Minister Urges Reconsideration of Litter Law Enforcement

Reassessing the Implementation of Litter Legislation: Fiji’s Prime Minister

Fiji’s Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka, recently urged the need for re-evaluating the enforcement of national litter laws in Fiji. He conveyed his thoughts during a Talanoa session, held at Sukuna Park, Suva. The session was part of the government’s efforts to engage in open dialogue with the public regarding environmental concerns.

Addressing the Litter Issue in Fiji

The Prime Minister expressed his dismay over the increasing littering issues evident in the streets of Fiji. He acknowledged the pressing need for stricter enforcement of litter laws in order to deal with this matter effectively.

“The current implementation of our litter law seems to be ineffective, hence the evident littering around our streets and communities,” Rabuka said. “The need for stricter enforcement or perhaps reconsideration of the current law is apparent.”

Public Concerns Over Littering

The PM underscored that the concerns of the Fijian public related to littering and the state of the environment are genuinely valid. He promised to push for stronger enforcement measures to alleviate the problem, noting the importance of maintaining Fiji’s pristine environment not just for the Fijians but also for the tourists who visit the country.

A Call for a Collective Responsibility

While acknowledging the need for law enforcement, Rabuka also emphasized the importance of collective responsibility. He called on all Fijians to adopt more responsible behavior, urging the public to play their role and be disciplined when it comes to rubbish disposal.

Rabuka concluded, “We have a collective responsibility to protect the environment, which is not just for us, but for our future generations to enjoy as well. Everyone must take up the challenge and put a stop to littering.”

The Prime Minister’s call for stricter enforcement and collective responsibility reflects Fiji’s commitment to tackling environmental issues head-on, to preserve the beauty of the country and its natural resources for its residents and visitors alike.


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