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Gavoka Confirms Increase in Visitor Numbers

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Increased Tourist Arrival in Fiji Recognized by Viliame Gavoka

Fiji’s tourism industry is witnessing positive momentum as highlighted by lawmaker Viliame Gavoka. Speaking recently in a parliamentary session, Gavoka acknowledged the impressive growth in visitor numbers to the island nation.

Investments in Tourism Paying Off

Over recent years, Fiji has sought to boost its tourism sector, viewing it as a critical driver of economic growth. Gavoka used his platform in the parliamentary session to discuss the positive impacts of these efforts. According to the population and social statistics division of the Fiji Bureau of Statistics, there’s been a surge in tourist arrivals with over 40,000 visitors in the third quarter of 2021, marking an increase of 4.1% from the previous quarter.

Gavoka Commends Government Programmes

The notable increase in tourist arrivals is being attributed in part to various government initiatives. Gavoka gave praise to such efforts, especially acknowledging the Blue Lane initiative and campaign that has allowed vessels, including superyachts, into Fiji amid COVID-19 restrictions.

It’s being touted that the success of these programmes is demonstrating Fiji’s ability to adapt and implement effective strategies even in difficult times. The lawmaker congratulated the tourism stakeholders for effectively managing the tourism sector during the pandemic.

Continuing Challenges

While recognizing the growth and achievements, Gavoka also acknowledged that there remain unresolved issues in the tourism sector. He pointed out the need for even more actions and strategies to overcome these challenges, ensure sustainable growth, and make Fiji a more competitive tourist destination on the global scale.

Gavoka pledged his commitment to continuing discussions and work on these issues to further improve and strengthen Fiji’s tourism industry. The objective is to ensure that the nation’s compelling beauty and rich culture continues to draw tourists from all corners of the world, ultimately boosting the islands’ economic activity.

Following the announcement, the sentiments of optimism for the future growth of Fiji’s tourism industry are high, as the sector continues to show its resilience and adaptability in challenging times.


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