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Illustration of Govt Number Plates Used to Peddle Illicit Drugs

Fiji Police Bust Drug Trade Using Government Plates, Government Launches Anti-Narcotics Strategy and Funding Increase

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A surprising development in the illegal drug industry has occurred. The Fiji Police Force disclosed yesterday that vehicles with Government number plates are being utilized to transport and distribute illegal drugs. In some incidences, the number plates were genuine while others were counterfeit.

The Police confirmed that traffickers have begun employing unconventional methods to distribute drugs. The discoveries were made during standard traffic checkpoints. Aside from checking vehicle documents, the police also educate drivers about safety issues and crime trends as part of their daily operations.

The police once again called on the public to help in the war against drugs, emphasizing it as a collective responsibility that needs the cooperation of all sectors of society.

The Government launched the National Counter Narcotics Strategy 2023 to 2028 last week. The strategy aims to tackle illicit trafficking, a significant concern for Fiji’s security. A Narcotics Bureau was established last month to help solve the drug problem, with $2 million set aside for its creation under the Ministry of Home Affairs’ 2024-2025 National Budget.

Finance Minister Biman Prasad highlighted that the bureau would concentrate on law enforcement, investigations, prosecutions, intelligence gathering, and awareness campaigns. The Counter Narcotics Strategy will focus on demand reduction, supply reduction, harm reduction, legal reform, data collection, the establishment of a Drug Court, partnership, and international cooperation.

The police budget has grown by $43.1m to $226.8m. Prasad announced a soon-to-be-introduced drug rehabilitation center in Fiji in response to the increasing problem of drug-affected individuals. The Government is implementing a 13-year tax holiday and duty-free importation of capital goods needed for the center’s establishment. Business donations to any drug rehabilitation center will be met with a full tax deduction. Prasad explained that while non-governmental organizations are encouraged, the Government is exploring options to establish such centers.

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