U.S. Government-Supported Training to Boost Tonga’s Resilience Against Climate Change and Natural Disasters
Nukualofa, Tonga – Today the CEO of s Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Climate Change and Communications (MEIDECC), Mr. Paula Ma’u launched a USAID supported… read more
U.S. Government launches Project Preparation training in Papua New Guinea
The U.S Ambassador, Catherine Ebert-Gray, today launched the first Project Preparation training conducted by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Papua New Guinea. The… read more
U.S. Government and CCDA launch Project Management Training in Papua New Guinea
Ambassador Catherine Ebert-Gray, U.S. Ambassador for Papua New Guinea, alongside Mr. Ruel Yamuna, the Managing Director of the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) today launched… read more
United States – U.S. Government presents completion certificates to participants of Project Management Training in Tonga
Nukualofa – On international women’s day, 9 Tongan women were presented graduation certificates by Mr. Sean Callahan, USAID’s Deputy Mission Director for Pacific Islands… read more
The United States Agency for International Development through their Ready project today handed over an Organizational Assessment report to the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA)… read more
Papua New Guinea’s office of Climate Change and Development (CCDA) and Oil Search Limited have established CCDA’s first-ever public-private partnership on climate change resilience during the 2018 APEC Economic Leaders Week in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
On the periphery of the 2018 APEC Economic Leaders Week on the 14th November 2018, the government of Papua New Guinea, through the Office of Climate Change… read more
CCDA Launches new Corporate Plan
On November 14, the U.S Ambassador to Papua New Guinea, Ms. Catherine Ebert-Gray in partnership with Honorable John Pundari, PNG’s Minister for Environment &… read more
USAID Participates in MOU Between Oil Search and CCDA PNG
U.S. Ambassador to Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu Catherine Ebert-Gray attended a ceremony where the United States Government, through the United States Agency for International… read more
31 Vanuatu Nationals Presented With Certificates of Completion on Project Management
Mr. Sean Callahan, Regional Coordinator, USAID/ Pacific Islands and Mongolia, on behalf of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Ready Project, today presented certificates… read more
USAID Partners with the Samoa Chamber of Commerce to Support Samoan Small & Medium Businesses to Become Resilient towards Disasters
Apia, Samoa – The United States Government, in partnership with the Samoa Chamber of Commerce, today launched a training program that will help businesses in… read more
U.S. Embassy Launches the Final Two Modules of USAID-supported Project Management Practice Course in Nuku’alofa, Tonga
On Monday, July 23, at 12:00 p.m. at the USP Tonga Campus Lopaukamea II Hall, U.S. Embassy Political and Economic Chief Helene Tuling will launch the… read more
U.S. Government Signs Letter of Agreement with the Fiji Development Bank
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) signed a Letter of Agreement with Fiji Development Bank (FDB) formalizing a shared commitment to help the bank gain… read more
USAID Ready Project Supports Local Businesses to Become Disaster Resilient
The United States Government, in partnership with the Fiji Business Disaster Resilience Council and the Fiji Commerce and Employers Federation, today launched a training program that will… read more
U.S Ambassador Leads Graduation Ceremony
U.S. Ambassador to the Federated States of Micronesia Robert Annan Riley III on May 18 led the completion ceremonies of a project preparation training program that has… read more
U.S. Government Partners with FSM Government to Conduct Project Preparation Training Program in the Federated States of Micronesia
Kolonia, Pohnpei – An inaugural Climate Adaptation Project Preparation Training workshop in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) has given the unique opportunity to Micronesians in leadership… read more