The tragic deaths of 41-year-old couple Artika Kumari and Latchman Krishna in Malolo, Nadi, have plunged their family and community into deep sorrow. On the morning of January 10, 2025, Ms. Kumari was found deceased in their home, while her husband is alleged to have taken his own life outside. Authorities are treating this incident as a potential murder-suicide, with ongoing investigations to ascertain the exact circumstances.
The couple leaves behind a nine-year-old daughter, who reportedly witnessed a heated argument between her parents shortly before the events unfolded. Concerned for her safety, she bravely sought help from a neighbor, which ultimately led her uncle, Rajesh Krishna—Latchman’s twin brother—to the distressing scene. Rajesh expressed profound grief over the loss, emphasizing the recent turmoil in the family, particularly following Ms. Kumari’s police report against her husband for alleged assault just a day prior.
Artika’s sister, Aska, shared that their last conversation involved discussions of marital difficulties, intensifying the family’s disbelief and sorrow upon hearing of Artika’s sudden death. Senior Superintendent of Police Iakobo Vaisewa has confirmed that investigations are ongoing, underscoring the pressing need for mental health resources and supportive conversations about domestic issues within communities.
This tragic incident serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities involved in intimate relationships and highlights the urgent need for community support during crises. There is hope that the heartbreaking loss of Artika Kumari and Latchman Krishna will lead to increased awareness of mental health challenges, inspiring proactive measures to support families in distress and possibly prevent similar tragedies in the future.
As the investigation unfolds, the community mourns the loss of Artika and Latchman, reflecting on the profound impact of unresolved conflicts and the importance of compassion and proactive measures to support those in need. Through empathy and open dialogue about mental health, there is an opportunity to foster healthier family dynamics and potentially avert future tragedies.
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