A tragic incident has occurred in the Waisomo River area of Tailevu, where a 5-year-old girl has been found dead after being swept away by strong currents. The young girl was among a group of eight children, accompanied by her 32-year-old aunt, who were returning from foraging for edible lady ferns (ota) when the accident happened.
Authorities are treating the incident as a suspected drowning, and a post-mortem examination is scheduled for tomorrow as part of the ongoing investigation.
This heartbreaking event serves as a reminder of the potential dangers associated with natural water bodies, especially during adverse weather conditions. Community awareness and precautionary measures are vital to ensuring the safety of children and families who engage in activities near rivers and other bodies of water.
In the face of such tragedy, it is essential to come together as a community to support the grieving family and to remember the importance of safety measures when enjoying our beautiful natural surroundings.
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