Resilient Graduate Overcomes Pandemic Challenges to Pursue Science Dreams

Crystal Nivedita Shobha, a resilient 23-year-old from Nabua, has overcome disruptions to her education caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and recently graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and Biology from the University of the South Pacific.

Expressing her excitement about graduating in the aftermath of the pandemic, Crystal said, “It feels extra special… I’m really grateful for all the support I’ve had along the way.”

During her studies, she found a supportive community among fellow Tongans in Fiji, thanking her friends from Tonga for their encouragement and presence at her graduation.

Crystal attributed her passion for science to her high school teachers and friends, stating that biology came naturally to her as it satisfied her curiosity about the world. However, she does acknowledge the limited job prospects in the science field in Fiji. Currently, she is working for her father’s company while actively seeking opportunities to utilize her degree in a relevant career.

Looking ahead, Crystal has plans to pursue a Master of Business Administration (MBA) next year. She is eager to take on new challenges and expand her knowledge.

Her advice to current students is simple: with the support of friends and family, perseverance through difficult times can lead to success. She expresses profound gratitude to her parents and supporters, recognizing their role in her journey.

As she embraces this new chapter in her life, Crystal’s passion for science continues to drive her forward, instilling confidence that her resilience and curiosity will guide her to future achievements. For now, she celebrates her accomplishments, surrounded by those who have supported her throughout her educational journey.

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