Rabuka Urges Coup Figure George Speight to Unveil Hidden Truths

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has urged George Speight, the leader of the 2000 coup, to come forward and disclose the identities of those who were involved in orchestrating the coup. In a media interview, Rabuka addressed long-standing speculation connecting him to the coup and a subsequent mutiny at the Republic of Fiji Military Forces’ Queen Elizabeth Barracks, despite his repeated denials.

Rabuka expressed that Speight’s unwillingness to speak has made him a victim for many years. “We want him to tell the truth,” he stated, emphasizing how Speight’s silence has hindered his efforts to clear his name concerning the coup.

During Speight’s sentencing in February 2002, he suggested that he was not acting alone, indicating that a thorough police investigation could reveal others alongside him. Recently, Speight, who had been convicted of treason and originally sentenced to death, received a presidential pardon after serving 24 years in prison.

Rabuka pointed out that Speight’s release is significant for the coalition Government’s initiatives for truth and reconciliation. Former Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry, who was taken hostage during the coup, supported this call for truth, asserting that Speight should unveil the actual perpetrators behind the coup. He added that if Speight genuinely regrets the harm caused, he has a responsibility to reveal the truth.

Unity Fiji leader Savenaca Narube also commented on the timing of Speight’s release, urging that the truth and reconciliation process should objectively address both victims and those who perpetrated the coup. He asserted that for this process to be effective, it is essential that the truth comes to light, highlighting that while Speight has faced consequences for his actions, others involved remain unpunished.

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