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Parametric Insurance Workshop Attended by Insurers

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A Comprehensive Parametric Insurance Workshop Garners Attention from the Insurance Sector

Fiji’s insurance industry recently gathered to participate in an intensive workshop on parametric insurance. The topics of interest focussed around parametric insurance and its applications in Fiji, given the country’s vulnerability to climate change and associated natural disasters.

Parametric Insurance Explained

Parametric insurance is a modern and innovative type of coverage that pays out benefits based on the occurrence of a pre-specified event. These events, such as an earthquake or hurricane of a certain magnitude, trigger payouts rather than the evaluation of damages incurred after the event. The payout simplifies the claims process and enables affected individuals or communities to receive funds faster than traditional forms of insurance.

Industry Experts Convene at the Workshop

A broad spectrum of insurance experts and stakeholders came together for this workshop. These included representatives from insurance companies and agents, Ministries, and the Reserve Bank of Fiji, amongst others. The participants were keen to understand the complexities of parametric insurance and its potential application in Fiji’s unique context.

Focus on Fiji’s Vulnerability to Climate Change

The examination of Fiji’s climate change vulnerability underscored the discussions. The nation is particularly at risk due to its geography and climate, experiencing frequent and intense natural disasters. These catastrophes can have substantial economic impacts, therefore effective mechanisms such as parametric insurance are fundamental to mitigating these risks.

Need for Parametric Insurance in Fiji

Given these climate-related concerns, it becomes evident for Fiji to invest in safety nets such as parametric insurance. The workshop endeavored to engage the participants and enhance their understanding and skills in this field. It aimed at ensuring that Fiji is appropriately equipped and prepared to face the risks posed by climate change and natural disasters.

As part of the global effort to combat climate change and its impacts, the interest and need for innovative insurance products such as parametric insurance is ever-increasing. As such, the workshop represented a significant step forward for Fiji’s insurance industry and its proactive approach towards climate change adaptation.


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