Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka is optimistic that a report addressing the ‘glitch’ experienced during the 2022 General Election will be released soon, following the recent appointment of Justice Ratu Usaia Ratuvili as the new chair of the Electoral Commission (EC). Minister for Justice Siromi Turaga confirmed that the investigation into the election issues would only proceed with a substantive appointment in place.
On January 12, Ana Mataiciwa, the Supervisor of Elections, indicated that her office had not received explicit directives from the line minister regarding resolving the matter. With the new chairperson now appointed under the Constitutional Offices Commission, the Prime Minister has urged those responsible to begin their work to ascertain the circumstances surrounding the alleged discrepancies. “Hopefully, they can do that now. They will be very busy, both the commission and the Supervisor of Elections office,” Mr. Rabuka stated.
Additionally, the recent appointment opens a pathway for deregistered FijiFirst MP Alvick Maharaj to pursue an update regarding his party’s status following its deregistration on July 1, a decision made by Ms. Mataiciwa. Maharaj has previously appealed against this decision.
In summary, Prime Minister Rabuka looks forward to the timely investigation into the election glitches and the resolution of the political party deregistration issue, emphasizing the importance of accountability and transparency in the electoral process. This underscores a commitment to improving the electoral system in Fiji, striving for a more equitable and well-managed governance structure.
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