From Adversity to Achievement: A Graduate’s Inspiring Journey

Lafaele Tominiko celebrated a significant milestone yesterday as he graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of the South Pacific. Hailing from Samoa and with strong ties to Tamavua Village in Naitasiri, Tominiko endured the tragic loss of both his parents at a young age, which became a driving force in his life.

Despite the emotional challenges, he found unwavering support from his mother’s family, who helped guide him and his siblings through their hardships. Reflecting on his journey, Tominiko expressed heartfelt gratitude to God and to those who stood by him throughout his struggles.

As the youngest sibling in a family of four, Tominiko remarked on the impact of losing his parents. He was only three when he lost his father and nine when he lost his mother. “Losing both my parents was hard because they were my support system. I am grateful to my aunties, uncles, and Tamavua Village for raising me. Looking back now, all the sleepless nights have paid off,” he shared.

He expressed a deep wish for his parents to witness his accomplishments. “I wish my parents could have been here to see me walk up to the podium to receive my bachelor’s degree, but I am thankful for the family that filled that void,” Tominiko said.

Looking back, he recalled moments when he struggled and almost gave up, facing challenges like going without lunch and walking long distances from school to town. Yet, he emphasized how his relatives encouraged him to pursue his dreams, treating him and his siblings with love and care.

As a private student at the USP, Tominiko was financially supported by his brother and aunt currently residing in the United States. He plans to work while furthering his education and offered encouraging advice to fellow students: “Keep going, and when you feel like giving up, remember why you started in the first place.”

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