Residents of Boca, Bulileka in Labasa are sounding the alarm over persistent flash floods that have been plaguing their community due to inadequate drainage systems. Jai Karan, a local resident aged 57, criticized the Fiji Roads Authority (FRA) for failing to maintain the drains, despite having made requests for over 25 years.
“Blocked drains have caused flash floods for decades. We once again urge the FRA to address this issue and help prevent flooding, which affects all our residents,” Karan stated, highlighting the community’s frustration over the ongoing situation.
The flooding not only disrupts daily life by affecting the Boca Loop Circular Road but also poses serious risks to motorists who are forced to navigate hazardous conditions during heavy rains to reach their jobs or Labasa Town.
In addition to the inconvenience, the Bulileka neighborhood, located just a few kilometers from Labasa, faces health risks due to the condition of the waterways. Vakaruru Cavuilati, the Divisional Health Inspector Northern, has advised residents against dumping household waste into drains and creeks, which worsens blockages and increases the threat of flooding.
“Flooded areas heighten the risk of leptospirosis, typhoid, dengue, and diarrhoea (LTDD),” Mr. Cavuilati cautioned, emphasizing the health implications of the situation.
The residents of Boca continue to seek urgent interventions to mitigate flooding concerns and safeguard the community from further disturbances and potential health crises.
This situation presents an opportunity for local authorities to address environmental challenges and prioritize infrastructure improvements. By working together with the community, there is hope for a future where effective drainage solutions can be implemented, ensuring a safer and healthier living environment for all residents.
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