Financial Struggles Lead to Family Breakups Among Striking Vatukoula Gold Mines Workers

The financial strain from workers’ strike at the Vatukoula gold mines has led to the breakup of several families. One of the impacted individuals is a 64-year-old former timberman at the mine, known as GH.

In a conversation with this publication, GH, also known as Mr. Sauwaki, revealed that his family fell apart following the strike. He shared, “Our wives and children left us.” Subsequently leaving Vatukoula, he embarked on other jobs outside the mining industry.

Despite the hardship, the native of Naroi in Moala, Lau expressed that faith in the deity helped the families persevere. Mr. Sauwaki declared, “I thank God and the union members for their continued service. There is a prayer group within the union that prays for all of us.”

He joyously recalled his reaction to an announcement during the 2024-2025 National Budget, “I shouted with so much joy in Lautoka City.” He added, expressing his gratitude to the union president, Josefa Sadreu, “I thank the union president for believing in us and fighting for the members, resolving this protest that has lingered for the past 33 years.”

For more on this story, read the complete article on [The Fiji Times](

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