Fiji’s Troubled Legacy: Unpacking the Colonial Roots of Modern Conflict

The National Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Fiji must recognize the country’s historical grief that dates back to the colonial period, according to Litiana Lagibalavu, a representative of the ‘Alliance for Future Generations.’ She stated that past coups in Fiji stem from the trauma inflicted by colonizers and highlighted the importance of acknowledging this colonial history to effectively tackle the nation’s ongoing challenges.

Lagibalavu noted that many young Fijians have grown up hearing narratives about significant events such as the coups of 1987, 2000, and 2006. She emphasized that the establishment of the Fiji Truth and Reconciliation Commission is a vital step towards understanding these issues, expressing strong support for its objectives.

She pointed out that the conflicts in Fiji, especially the coups mentioned, are not isolated events but are instead reflections of deeper issues rooted in the colonial legacy. The cession of Fiji to Great Britain in 1874 marked the beginning of colonization, which exacerbated societal divisions.

Lagibalavu explained that the introduction of indentured Indian laborers, known as girmitiya, during British rule led to their segregation from indigenous Fijians, resulting in persistent ethnic tensions. The harsh working conditions faced by girmitiya and their separation from indigenous communities fostered distrust and rivalry, creating a foundation for future ethnic discord.

The enduring effects of colonial exploitation have contributed significantly to Fiji’s instability since independence, a situation reflected in the coups of 1987, 2000, and 2006. She also discussed the idea of intergenerational trauma, where the impacts of colonial practices continue to resonate in current generations.

Lagibalavu argued that the TRC offers a vital chance to address these historical grievances, with the goal of creating a more inclusive and equitable society. She envisions a future where Fiji values its diversity, resolves conflicts through dialogue instead of violence, and fosters a true sense of belonging for all citizens.

The Alliance for Future Generations views the TRC as an essential step toward rectifying longstanding injustices and promoting national unity and peace.

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