Fiji’s Stadium Future: Will Lomolomo Shine?

Fiji Football Association (FFA) is proposing to construct a state-of-the-art stadium in Lomolomo, located a few kilometers from Lautoka City towards Nadi airport. This area is known for its sandy beach and attracts both beachgoers and fishermen. The multi-million dollar project was announced by FFA some time ago, but its progress remains uncertain. There was a previous announcement about a similar project in Bila, Nadi, which did not materialize. It is crucial for the Lomolomo proposal to move forward swiftly, as such facilities can help draw more international competitions and visitors, along with their associated economic benefits. Updates from the concerned parties would be welcomed, and best wishes were extended to Fiji FA for the success of this initiative.

In a separate note, Donald Trump recently expressed his dislike for pop superstar Taylor Swift, stating “I hate Taylor Swift!” While he may be in the minority with that sentiment, Swift has a huge following, including many voters. It’s common for people to have those they would prefer not to interact with, but true hate is rare. The political landscape is often divisive and dishonest, but representatives should strive to be inclusive and seek to create positive connections.

Regarding the 2000 coup in Fiji, there is ongoing speculation about the disclosures that may arise following the release of coup leader George Speight from prison after 24 years. Some believe the full truth about the events surrounding the coup, as well as those from the 1987 and 2006 coups, will remain hidden due to vested interests. Former Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry has called for transparency in this matter, but some are skeptical that the truth will emerge.

Finally, 63-year-old Prem Shankar, a seasoned market vendor in Suva for over five decades, reflects on his journey and offers advice to aspiring farmers. He emphasizes the importance of a well-crafted business plan before entering commercial farming. Having spent more than half his life serving customers at the Suva market, he regards this place as his second family. His story underscores the value of perseverance and hard work, serving as an inspiration to many, including younger generations.

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