Fiji Sees Surge in Long-Term Departures: What’s Driving the Exodus?

The Fiji Bureau of Statistics has reported that in July, 1,110 Fijians left the country for extended periods of one year or more. Among them, 850 are expected to be away for one to five years, while 260 individuals will be absent for more than five years or permanently.

The bureau noted that 465 of those departing indicated employment as the main reason for their extended absence, while 243 Fijians left for overseas education or training for a timeframe of one to five years. Additionally, 214 Fijians emigrated during the month.

In total, July saw 15,223 Fijians leave the country, with 13,488 (88.6 percent) traveling for short-term stays of less than three months. Meanwhile, 625 (4.1 percent) departed for durations exceeding three months but less than 12 months.

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