Deputy Prime Minister Manoa Kamikamica recently toured the picturesque Yasawa Islands, visiting notable eco-tourism establishments such as Wayalailai Eco Haven, Naqalia Resort, and Yasawa Tropical Dive. The tour aimed to foster direct engagement with owners and stakeholders to understand the challenges and operational intricacies faced by these distinctive resorts.
These resorts operate under the Yasawa tourism marketing cooperative, which plays a vital role in fostering sustainable tourism and showcasing the natural charm of the Yasawa Islands. During his visit, Kamikamica listened attentively to their innovative strategies, which have helped navigate operational challenges while maintaining high standards of service that make these destinations stand out.
The Deputy Prime Minister emphasized the government’s unwavering commitment to support the tourism sector, particularly in remote and community-focused regions like Yasawas and Waya. He reiterated the importance of creating an enabling environment that allows local operators to prosper, thereby ensuring their economic contributions continue to benefit their communities.
This engagement mirrors previous visits by Kamikamica to resorts in the Yasawa Islands, where he acknowledged the significance of community-driven tourism in fostering local economies. His exploration of their experiences, notably those shared by operators benefiting from various government initiatives, is part of a broader vision to promote sustainable growth across Fiji’s tourism sector.
Kamikamica’s dedication to supporting local enterprises not only uplifts individual businesses but also strengthens the collective economic framework of Fiji. As the government seeks to empower grassroots tourism initiatives, the collaborative efforts of these resorts reflect a hopeful future for sustainable tourism, aimed at nurturing both the local economy and the environment.
The commitment to fostering sustainable and inclusive growth is vital for ensuring that tourism continues to thrive while benefiting the communities that contribute to its vibrance.
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