Confronting Colonial Grief: Fiji’s Path to Reconciliation

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in Fiji must reflect on the nation’s colonial past, which has contributed to ongoing societal issues, according to Litiana Lagibalavu, a representative from the Alliance for Future Generations. She emphasized the importance of recognizing Fiji’s history of grief that dates back to the era of colonial rule to better understand the underlying causes of the country’s struggles.

Lagibalavu pointed out that the coups of 1987, 2000, and 2006 stem from the trauma inflicted by colonialism. She stated, “As young people, we’ve grown up hearing stories about Fiji’s tumultuous past.” Establishing the TRC is viewed as a critical step toward addressing these historical grievances.

She noted that the TRC should acknowledge the events of Fiji’s past as interconnected, highlighting that these coups are not separate incidents but rather symptoms of deeper, systemic issues rooted in colonial practices. The cession of Fiji to Great Britain in 1874 marked the beginning of colonization, which created profound societal divisions.

Lagibalavu explained that British colonization brought about the introduction of indentured Indian laborers, known as girmitiya, who were segregated from indigenous Fijians, creating long-lasting ethnic tensions. This division fostered mistrust and rivalry, contributing significantly to post-independence instability, including the coups experienced in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

She emphasized that the scars from colonial exploitation resonate throughout society today, affecting both the descendants of those impacted and the broader community. Highlighting the notion of intergenerational trauma, she argued that the TRC provides a vital opportunity to confront historical injustices and work toward a society that values inclusivity and equity.

Lagibalavu envisions a future where Fiji’s diversity is celebrated, conflicts are resolved through dialogue, and all citizens feel a genuine sense of belonging. The Alliance for Future Generations sees the TRC as essential in addressing the deep-seated injustices that have plagued the nation and in fostering unity and peace among the Fijian people.

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