Chiefs Unite Behind Presidential Nominee: Will Tradition Prevail?

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Leaders from the Northern region have expressed their support for the Tui Cakau, Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu, as the next President of Fiji. This endorsement follows Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka’s announcement on Tuesday that Ratu Naiqama is the Government’s nominee for the presidential position.

Tui Nadogo, Ratu Ilisaniti Malodali, acknowledged his support for the government’s choice but emphasized the importance of including chiefs in the decision-making process. He stated that while they respect the government’s authority, the appointment should involve input from the Great Council of Chiefs to ensure representation for the iTaukei people.

Tui Wailevu, Ratu Joseva Maivalili, articulated a desire for a leader who embodies justice and righteousness. When asked about his stance on Ratu Naiqama as the government’s nominee, he chose to remain neutral but insisted on the necessity of a unifying figure for all districts and provinces in Fiji. He further noted that the public deserves a leader who promotes equality.

Ratu Maivalili also recognized the contributions of the outgoing President, Ratu Wiliame Katonivere, who has guided the nation for the past four years, wishing him well in his future endeavors. He stressed the importance of the next president having a strong moral foundation, reflecting the Christian values that underpin the country.

He expressed hope for a visionary leader who can advance the nation with stability and respect differing leadership styles from predecessors. Attempts to reach Tui Labasa, Ratu Jone Qomate, for his opinion were unsuccessful.


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