Acting SOE Responds to Inquiry

Fiji’s Acting Supervisor of Elections Delivers Clarification

Fiji’s acting Supervisor of Elections (SoE), Karyl Winter, has settled questions raised about the voter registration for the November 2022 general elections.

Contentions on Voter Registration Addressed

At the forefront were doubts from the General Secretary of the Social Democratic and Liberal Party (SODELPA), Emele Duituturaga. She queried the National Register of Voters, asking for clarity about the criterion on whether a voter should register in the area where they currently live or their family home.

Winter explained that the law dictates voters must be listed on the electoral roll for the division in which they have resided for at least six months prior to their registration. He went on to elaborate that this requirement aims to reflect the actual residence of the voters, which may not necessarily be their familial home.

Acknowledgement of Anomalies

While recognizing that there are anomalies, the Acting SoE reassured the public that these were not significant enough to influence election outcomes. He further promised that the SoE’s Office is dedicated to ensuring the Register is as accurate as possible to uphold integrity in the forthcoming general elections.

Multiple Methods of Registration

Winter also informed the public about the different methods of voter registration available. Citizens can enroll in person at the Fijian Elections Office, by mail, or online. Additionally, mobile teams from the Fijian Elections Office will be traversing the country to facilitate voter registrations.

Lastly, he stated that voter registration is an ongoing process and not just a one-off event. He reminded that registered voters should ensure their details are updated especially those who have changed residence or other respective details.

Note on the Forthcoming Elections

The upcoming general elections are slated for November 2022. All eligible Fijian citizens are expected to participate in the election to choose their representatives in the democracy.


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