Youth First: The Methodist Church’s Bold New Mission

The Methodist Church in Fiji’s evangelism department is set to prioritize youth engagement as it addresses increasing social challenges within society. Department secretary Iliesa Koroi, who was reappointed unanimously during the church’s conference, emphasized that focusing on young people will be at the heart of his new term.

“I believe this is God’s calling for me, and my aim is to concentrate on our youths,” Koroi stated. He added that while he has always focused on vulnerable youth, he plans to elevate his efforts this year.

Koroi mentioned a virtual youth night he hosts, which has attracted many participants from this demographic. He highlighted a significant achievement in helping young individuals avoid the dangers of pornography and drug addiction, stating that the church’s program involves visitation, evangelism, and the discipleship process.

“My mission is to save souls, as they are susceptible to problems such as HIV/AIDS, teenage pregnancies, pornography, and drug use,” Koroi explained. He also pointed out that the Government cannot address these issues alone and mentioned the need for church leaders to step up.

“The Government already has its hands full and won’t be able to tackle this issue by itself,” he said, noting that many of the youth involved in social ills are part of the evangelism team.

Koroi shared that many team members were once addicts, which positions them as key figures in the mission to help others. “Wherever I go, I connect with young people engaged in these activities and invite them to join me,” he said. He noted the surprise young people express when someone shows genuine care and views them positively, as they often feel judged by adults due to their past actions.

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