India’s Dommaraju Gukesh has achieved an extraordinary milestone by becoming the youngest World Chess Champion at just 18 years old. In a remarkable showdown on Thursday, Gukesh triumphed over China’s Ding Liren to secure the 2024 FIDE World Chess Championship, thus earning the highest accolade in the sport.
Expressing his feelings on this significant achievement, Gukesh remarked, “It’s a proud moment for chess, a proud moment for India… and for me, a very personal moment of pride.” His victory not only brings honor to his country but also symbolizes a new era in chess, as Gukesh surpasses the previous record held by 22-year-old Garry Kasparov from the Soviet Union, who was the youngest champion in 1985.
This achievement highlights the potential and talent emerging from India, suggesting a bright future for chess both nationally and globally. Gukesh’s victory may inspire many young players to pursue excellence in the game, reinforcing the idea that with dedication and hard work, remarkable accomplishments are within reach.
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