Young Farmer’s Journey: From Class Eight Dropout to $11K Harvest Success

Petero Maciu, a 21-year-old from Nawi village in Cakaudrove, is encouraging young people to take advantage of unused land in their communities to create sustainable livelihoods. Maciu, who began farming at an early age, has successfully cultivated yaqona, root vegetables, and other crops on over five acres of family land.

He credits his father, Sakapo Tui, for motivating him to farm: “My father always inspired me to utilize the land for a better life,” he stated. Maciu believes it’s essential to return to the practices of past generations by growing their own food instead of depending on outside sources.

Despite having only completed Class Eight, Maciu does not regret his decision to leave school. “What I earn from farming exceeds what I could gain from further education,” he explained. His focus on agriculture has proven fruitful; his first yaqona harvest in 2023 yielded over $11,000.

He markets his crops, including yaqona, cassava, dalo, and bananas, at the Labasa Market, with yaqona prices ranging from $70 to $80 per kilogram. Maciu emphasized that dedication and hard work are crucial for success; he often walks five kilometers to his farm and sometimes stays overnight to maximize efficiency.

“Even with the distance, I persevered. I truly believe that if more Fijians, especially iTaukei, utilized their land, we could tackle significant issues like poverty,” he remarked. His earnings have enabled him to support his family, invest in farming tools, and celebrate milestones like his 21st birthday, during which he bought two cows and hosted a village celebration.

Recently, he also acquired a twin cab to facilitate transporting his goods to market. Looking ahead, Maciu plans to build his own house, purchase land in town, and acquire a tractor to enhance his farming operations.

His message to young people is straightforward: “If you find yourself idle, use your time wisely and plant crops. You will eventually enjoy the fruits of your labor. We must honor God each day, as He is our source of strength.”

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