Young Farmer’s Bold Challenge: Transform Vacant Land into Gold!

Petero Maciu, a 21-year-old from Nawi village in Cakaudrove, is encouraging young people to take advantage of unused land in their villages to create sustainable livelihoods. After starting his farming journey at a young age, he now cultivates over five acres of clan land, growing yaqona, root crops, and vegetables.

Mr. Maciu credited his father, Sakapo Tui, for motivating him to engage with the land. He stated, “My father always encouraged me to make use of the land to have a better living,” highlighting the importance of returning to traditional practices of self-sustenance.

Despite leaving formal education after Class Eight, Mr. Maciu feels confident in his choice. He remarked, “I don’t want to go back to school because what I get from the land is more than what I would receive from continuing my education.” His commitment to farming has yielded significant returns, with his first yaqona harvest in 2023 earning him over $11,000.

He markets his produce, including yaqona, cassava, dalo, and bananas, at the Labasa Market, where yaqona fetches between $70 to $80 per kilogram. Mr. Maciu stressed the importance of dedication and hard work, stating that he often walks five kilometers to his farm and sometimes sleeps there to maximize productivity.

“I believe if all Fijians, especially iTaukei, utilize the land, it could help overcome many challenges in Fiji, including poverty,” he said. His farming profits have enabled him to support his family, invest in equipment, and celebrate personal milestones.

For his 21st birthday in March, Mr. Maciu surprised his family by purchasing two cows and inviting the community to join in the celebration. Recently, he also acquired a twin cab to facilitate transporting his harvests to the market.

Looking ahead, he aims to build his own house, acquire land in town, and buy a tractor to enhance his farming operations. His message to the youth is clear: “If you have nothing to do, make use of your time and plant the land. You will reap the rewards in due season. We have to honor God daily, who is the source of strength in our life.”

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