Women at War: Social Media Feuds Rise Amid Relationship Drama

The Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre has expressed concern over the increasing number of women engaging in conflict and expressing animosity towards one another on social media. Lavenia Tuitabu, a counsellor advocate from the FWCC, raised questions during a live video on their social media platform about the underlying causes of such disputes among women.

According to Ms. Tuitabu, these conflicts often arise when a woman’s partner is involved with another woman, leading to hostility between the parties involved. She highlighted that during these confrontations, women tend to rally against each other while defending their partners.

“During these conflicts, women set aside their men and instead direct their anger at each other with hurtful words,” Tuitabu stated. She pointed out that the men involved remain largely unaffected and indifferent to the emotional turmoil experienced by both women, suggesting that they may be manipulating the situation.

“It is troubling to consider that the creator of this conflict often goes unscathed,” she added. Tuitabu also noted that this cycle of animosity leads to the posting of images of these women online, which subsequently attracts hateful comments aimed at them.

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