Where Did Chong Lane Go?

The disappearance of Chong Lane in Nadi has raised concerns among local residents and stakeholders. They are calling on the Nadi Town Council, National Fire Authority, and Fiji Roads Authority to provide information about the missing street sign. The late Stanley Chong was a prominent figure in Nadi’s development and contributed significantly as an aircraft maintenance engineer. Local retiree Ronnie Chang emphasizes the importance of honoring Chong’s memory by reinstating the street sign promptly.

In the realm of international relations, Rakesh Chand Sharma cautions about the significant debts owed to China by neighboring countries, indicating that many are trapped in a cycle of debt. He highlights India’s response to Sri Lanka’s economic crisis as a cautionary tale regarding engagement with China.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission consultations garnered mixed reactions. While some participants appeared cheerful, others, like Rajend Naidu, noted the lingering pain of past traumas.

Father’s Day reflections varied, with Sukha Singh expressing that every day feels like Father’s Day and Ronnie Chang encouraging fellow writers to remember those who are no longer with us.

There are calls for transparency, particularly regarding the events of 1987, and a desire for the Prime Minister to provide clarity during the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Concerns about the teacher exodus were raised by Asish Vinay Prasad, questioning the actions of teacher unions in addressing the issue.

In response to the growing drug problem, Tahir Ali noted that efforts from communities and organizations are essential to combat this rising health crisis.

Political commentary was offered by Rajend Naidu, who dismissed the notion of Hollywood making a film about Fiji’s leader, Voreqe Bainimarama, suggesting he is not of sufficient interest.

Lastly, Asish Vinay Prasad warned about the dangerous road conditions in Raiwasa, Suva, urging caution due to a high incidence of accidents in the area.

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