Wakaya Perfection is poised to make a significant impact on the U.S. market through a live broadcast on the Home Shopping Network (HSN), reaching over 900 million households. Established by the late David Gilmour of Fiji Water and business partner David Roth, Wakaya Perfection aims to enhance Fiji’s branding both in the U.S. and worldwide.
David M. Roth, co-founder and CEO of the company, emphasized that the company’s products will soon be showcased on HSN, which is available on various platforms including cable, satellite, free-to-air, and digital streaming. HSN’s primary audience is predominantly female, aged 25 to 66, with a significant portion earning over $65,000 annually. Major markets for HSN include New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, underscoring the network’s vast reach.
Focusing on agricultural development for export, Roth expressed that Wakaya Perfection specializes in Fijian organic products such as ginger and turmeric, which are marketed globally with an emphasis on proper processing and packaging. Alongside these products, the company has plans to export high-quality Fijian goods, including kava and sea salt.
Roth highlighted the importance of developing Fiji’s agricultural sector and believes that local farmers will benefit from supplying produce to Wakaya Perfection, as the company invests in their technical expertise and offers premium prices for local produce. He is dedicated to helping Fiji create a niche in the international organic market and aims to continue investing in both the agriculture and tourism sectors.
Overall, the collaboration between Wakaya Perfection and HSN not only opens up new market opportunities for Fijian products but also supports local farmers and the agricultural economy in Fiji, providing a hopeful outlook for future growth and development.
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