The Vanua of Naivirourou, also known as Vuci Village in Tokatoka Tailevu, has introduced a comprehensive strategic plan for the period from 2024 to 2028, aimed at enhancing resilience within the Vanua and its traditional leadership to foster empowerment and prosperity.
Joji Butadroka, Secretary and Board Member, highlighted the significance of a bottom-up approach to development, which aligns with the government’s recent move towards decentralizing decision-making processes. He noted that the previous strategic plan served as a valuable learning experience, especially in overcoming challenges posed by cyclones, floods, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
The overarching goal of the new five-year plan is to reassess and strengthen traditional leadership through a people-centric perspective, ultimately nurturing a community that is empowered, empathetic, and future-focused.
Tui Vuci, Ratu George Kavoronavatu Bakosi, reiterated the emphasis on economic empowerment within their strategic framework. The discussions that emerged from these village plans aimed to identify specific needs, ensuring that governmental resources are allocated effectively to areas where they are most needed.
Both Butadroka and Bakosi asserted that promoting local initiatives and leveraging natural resources are crucial factors in driving economic growth and achieving sustainable development in Tailevu.
This strategic approach not only aims to uplift the community but also resonates with a broader goal of resilience and empowerment, paving the way for a hopeful future for Vuci Village.
Overall, this strategic plan represents a proactive step towards a sustainable and prosperous future for the community, encouraging local involvement and adaptability in the face of external challenges.
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