Villagers Rally Against Controversial Hydro Dam Plan

Villagers in Navunikabi, Namosi, demonstrated against the proposed EFL hydro dam on Saturday, voicing their concerns with banners and placards. Nearly 100 residents, spanning different generations, gathered near the intended dam site to express their opposition to the $200 million project, which is planned across three locations: Wainikoroiluva, Wainikovu, and Waivaka, affecting both Namosi and Naitasiri provinces.

While villagers support development, they criticize how consultations were carried out and feel their opinions have not been accurately represented. The project, led by Tui Namosi, Ratu Suliano Matanitobua, has sparked heated debates within the community, with some residents fearing that increased water levels could inundate their homes.

Simione Mekemeke, a member of the Lomani Au Maroroi Au (LAMA) group from Navunikabi Village, highlighted the fear of residents concerning potential relocation and the environmental impacts on local enterprises, such as Namosi Eco Retreat. Mekemeke stated, “Our forefathers are buried here, and we have built our lives in this village. Relocation is not an option for us,” emphasizing the sentiment shared among the villagers regarding their ancestral lands.

LAMA chairman Sipiriano Nariva reinforced the collective opposition to the dam, urging the government to respect the landowners’ wishes. “The bottom line of what we want is – no to hydro,” he said, asserting that they want the authorities to respect their decisions.

Villagers, such as 72-year-old Sabeta Seniqumu, shared worries about the cultural and historical significance of their land. Despite pressure from chiefs regarding potential relocation, they remain steadfast in preserving their heritage. Others, like 60-year-old Mareta Nayadi, stressed their reliance on the land for sustenance and questioned the need for new dams since they currently have electricity access.

Namosi Provincial Council chair Ratu Iowane Matanitobua clarified that the project is still in the feasibility stage, with data being collected before any future discussions with the villagers. Attempts to reach Ratu Suliano Matanitobua and EFL CEO Hasmukh Patel for comments were unsuccessful.

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