Villagers Battle Economic Struggles Amidst Controversial Mining Operations

Residents from the villages of Natutu, Votua, and Nawaqarua in Ba are enduring significant challenges due to the ongoing black sand mining operations that have been in place since 2016. The Australian company Amex Resources Ltd has been dredging for magnetite along the Ba River, resulting in severe ecological disruptions.

Alesi Mataka, the leader of the Soqosoqo Vakamarama Natutu Village, highlighted the struggles faced by local fishermen. She explained, “My husband, a fisherman, now spends at least seven days at sea due to the scarcity of fish near our shores.” The financial strain is exacerbated as many fishermen resort to renting boats, and the shortage of income and food has heightened tensions within families, necessitating regular mediation efforts by village leaders.

Tevita Evo, the advocacy project coordinator for the Fiji Council of Social Services (FCOSS), noted that the mining has directly affected the livelihoods of those who depend on the Ba River for food and income. “We are doing our best to provide evidence-based research on the environmental effects, but the damage has reached alarming levels and is largely overlooked by the current government,” Mr. Evo stated.

Compensation from the mining operations has been limited primarily to the tribe of Votua, which many residents perceive as unjust. FCOSS chairperson Vani Tuvuki remarked that only $240 per person was distributed in 2021, with a limited additional payment in March 2023. “We are advocating for more comprehensive compensation that includes those directly impacted by the environmental damage, not just the landowners,” Mr. Tuvuki emphasized.

Votua Village headman Alusio Waisele and Natutu Village headman Alipate Naqolo claimed their communities were misled by the prior government, which only discussed the exploration license without fully explaining the broader impacts of mining. They voiced their discontent over unfulfilled promises and inadequate consultation. Despite attempts to suspend the mining project in March 2023, their requests were disregarded by the Ministry of Land and Mineral Resources.

The mining activities have altered the flow of the Ba River and created a sand island, further affecting the nearby villages. Amex Resources’ general manager, Alivereti Tuidravuni, has not responded to repeated inquiries regarding these issues.

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