Vigilance Needed: Rising Scams Targeting Fijians

Inia Seruiratu, the Leader of the Opposition, is urging the public to be alert to scams, particularly the Paragonix scam, which has misused the names and images of well-known Fijians to promote deceitful schemes.

In a statement, Seruiratu highlighted the importance of remaining vigilant as Scam Awareness Week comes to an end, noting that scams pose a significant financial and emotional threat to individuals and families.

He pointed out that despite the initiatives taken by the Consumer Council and the Police Force, the number of scam incidents is on the rise, frequently going unreported. This issue is amplified by factors such as poverty, unemployment, and the challenges associated with global digitization.

“A collective effort from all parts of society is crucial to tackle this increasing threat and safeguard citizens from exploitation,” Seruiratu stressed. “Regrettably, the real scale of the problem is likely not fully captured in reports. This is a common challenge for many developing nations as they adjust to the intricacies of global digitization.”

He noted that advancements in technology and greater connectivity have opened doors for scammers to take advantage of vulnerable individuals. Additionally, poverty, unemployment, and increasing living costs worsen the situation.

To protect themselves from scams, citizens need to be aware of the risks involved and resist the lure of fast profits. The battle against this issue requires a united approach from all stakeholders.

Seruiratu shared alarming statistics, stating that Australia experienced losses of over $2.7 billion due to scams in 2023, affecting more than 600,000 people, emphasizing the critical nature of the problem and the need for urgent action.

He specifically mentioned the Paragonix Edge scam, which has misappropriated his name and images, along with those of other notable Fijians such as Waisale Serevi, Jerry Tuwai, Fred Wesley, and Shania Singh, to endorse a fraudulent operation.

“I want to clarify that I have no affiliation with this company or system. Educating consumers is vital in addressing the issue of scams, but a comprehensive societal approach is necessary,” Seruiratu remarked.

This approach involves collaboration among government agencies, law enforcement, regulatory bodies, NGOs, civil society organizations, religious institutions, the educational system, and the broader community. Together, they can work to fight against scams and protect citizens from financial exploitation, he concluded.

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