USP’s Vision for a Resilient Future: A Commitment to Education and Sustainability

The Vice-Chancellor of the University of The South Pacific, Professor Pal Ahluwalia, has reiterated the institution’s dedication to educating and training skilled graduates who will contribute to a dynamic and productive knowledge economy.

During a briefing with Pacific leaders in Tonga, Prof. Ahluwalia highlighted significant global changes impacting the higher education sector, noting shifts in student demographics and labor mobility challenges. He emphasized that USP is addressing these concerns through initiatives focused on consolidation, transformation, innovation, and sustainability. His remarks were made at the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting on Tuesday.

Leaders acknowledged USP’s vital role as the leading higher education institution in the region, providing training, research, and policy guidance. Prof. Ahluwalia pointed out that climate change is a prominent topic at the forum, introducing the newly established “Centre for Sustainable Futures” at USP as a transformative asset for collective regional efforts in tackling climate-related challenges and fostering resilient economies.

He explained that this center aims to close existing gaps and enhance the contributions of specialized institutions in a unified approach to addressing climate change in Pacific Island Nations. Additionally, he urged the prioritization of cybersecurity during the ICT Ministerial Meeting and the development of a governance framework that involves the Regional Regulatory Authority (RRA).

The Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting is set to conclude today.

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