USP Students Rally for Change: Voices Ignored?

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Students at the University of the South Pacific gathered yesterday to protest their dissatisfaction with current teaching methods, expressing concerns that many courses are being led by consultants rather than qualified lecturers.

Reports indicate that the protest directly led to the dismissal of Dr. Tamara Osborne Naikatini.

During the protest, Semesa Nawasoni, President of the Yasana ko Ba Student Association, emphasized that students feel their grievances are often overlooked by the USP Students Association, with many decisions being made without adequate consultation.

“The protest reflects the frustration of students who feel their opinions are marginalized, especially regarding the qualifications of their instructors,” Nawasoni stated.

He urged USP management to appoint qualified teaching professionals to deliver courses and highlighted the importance of allowing students to express their concerns.

“What we seek is for qualified educators to take on their rightful roles and for our issues to be addressed seriously,” he added.

From the I-Taukei Student Association’s perspective, President Manasa Navara expressed surprise about the communication breakdown, asserting that he has consistently relayed student grievances to the appropriate channels.

“I have ensured that all concerns raised with me are communicated to the higher authorities, so I am uncertain where the miscommunication occurred,” Navara said.

The student-led protest is anticipated to continue until a satisfactory resolution is reached by the USP Student Association that effectively supports both students and faculty.


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