USP Staff Votes on Possible Strike: Tensions Rise Over Leadership Issues

Members of the staff association at the University of the South Pacific have started voting to decide whether to initiate strike action aimed at removing Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Pal Ahluwalia.

AUSPS General Secretary Rosalia Fatiaki reported that there was a strong turnout in the first hour of voting. She noted that the USP Staff Association had received approval for a ‘Notice of Intention to Conduct Secret Ballot for Strike Action’. The ballot specifically addresses the potential removal of Professor Ahluwalia.

Concerns have been raised about various unresolved issues that have been brought to the USP Council’s attention. Fatiaki stated that the recent termination of Dr. Osborne-Naikatini was seen as an act of intimidation, adding that many issues submitted to the Council remain unaddressed.

Following Dr. Osborne-Naikatini’s dismissal, the staff association alerted the Ministry of Employment about their plans and received the green light to proceed with the secret ballot. If the results favor the association, they will formally inform the university about their decision to strike.

FijiLive has sought comments from the University of the South Pacific regarding this situation. Updates will be provided as the story develops.

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