USP Staff Vote Sparks Ministerial Talks Amid Rising Tensions

The recent decision by the Association of the University of the South Pacific Staff to pursue strike action has prompted Minister for Education Aseri Radrodro to arrange a meeting next week with Minister of Employment Agni Deo Singh and Minister of Finance Professor Biman Prasad. Currently in Moala, Lau, Minister Radrodro stated that he may not have all the details from the secret ballot but will call for a special meeting of the USP council to address the issues arising from the university.

According to Rosalia Fatiaki, the General Secretary of AUSPS, the staff union serves as the unified voice of its employees and should not be undermined. This response was aimed at countering a statement from USP, which asserted its dedication to the institution’s strategic objectives despite the union’s vote to remove vice-chancellor and president, Professor Pal Ahluwalia.

The university noted that the unions represent only 41 percent of the workforce and expressed confidence in their continued operations. USP articulated respect for the actions taken by the unions within the framework of Fiji’s Employment Relations Act (ERA), while also emphasizing that their membership constitutes a minority of staff.

The university indicated a commitment to engaging with staff concerns through open dialogue and legal avenues, maintaining its stance on contesting the unions’ claims. Fatiaki pointed out that the university has not made efforts to discuss the union’s grievances since their last meeting in February, despite multiple letters from the union to the council requesting a discussion.

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