USP Staff Demand Vice-Chancellor’s Removal Amid Governance Crisis

A meeting will soon be scheduled to address the escalating situation at the University of the South Pacific (USP), where staff members are calling for the removal of Vice-Chancellor, Professor Pal Ahluwalia.

Minister for Education Aseri Radrodro announced that the meeting will be arranged according to the University Council’s availability. “We have communicated with the USP Council’s secretariat to request a special council meeting,” Mr. Radrodro stated. “We are currently working to determine the meeting date and hope to finalize it soon, which will allow council members to be informed of the date and possibly venue. Our goal is to choose a date that ensures all members can attend and participate in the discussion.”

A secret ballot conducted by the union on August 14 showed that over 90 percent of members supported Professor Ahluwalia’s dismissal. The Ministry of Employment, Productivity, and Industrial Relations oversaw this ballot, which saw over 550 members registering. The unions have raised concerns about Professor Ahluwalia’s governance, particularly regarding staff welfare.

In related news, during the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) meeting that took place in Tonga earlier this month, Professor Ahluwalia assured leaders of USP’s vital role in the social and economic transformation of the Blue Pacific through the development of a skilled society. He also provided leaders with insights into significant global changes impacting the Higher Education sector, including shifts in student demographics and issues concerning labor mobility. “USP is addressing these challenges through themes of consolidation, transformation, innovation, and sustainability,” Mr. Ahluwalia conveyed at the forum.

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