USP Staff Association Demands Urgent Action Amid Investigation Delays

The Association of the University of the South Pacific Staff (AUSPS) has raised significant concerns regarding the university’s delay in starting investigations. According to a statement from the Association, the USP Council Secretariat, which directly reports to the Vice-Chancellor, has hindered the process, creating uncertainties about the investigation’s independence and fairness.

AUSPS noted that a Special USP Council Meeting occurred four weeks ago, yet the ‘terms of reference’ for the investigation remain unfinalized, with the November Council meeting approaching quickly. The union is demanding that investigations be conducted in a fair and transparent manner without any further delays or interferences.

The Association pointed out that classes have been canceled due to staff participation in the strike, countering the university’s claim of minimal disruption. AUSPS stated that students have also taken part in the strike, leading to closed classrooms, a fact corroborated by media reports.

Moreover, AUSPS criticized Vice-Chancellor Professor Pal Ahluwalia for being unresponsive and lacking openness with the unions, having only conducted one of the four required quarterly meetings this year. Meetings of the Staff Policy Committee, necessary for addressing critical issues and grievances, have not occurred this year, with only two meetings held the previous year.

The Association indicated that this lack of engagement shows the Vice-Chancellor is not prioritizing communication with staff. Furthermore, no senior management staff have approached the protest at the strike venue to understand the reasons behind it, suggesting a disconnect with the Pacific approach to dialogue.

AUSPS reiterated that the staff strike is rooted in legitimate, ongoing concerns, and the continued delays further erode trust in leadership. They are calling on the Council to ensure that the Secretariat establishes a clear timeline for the investigation, with findings expected by the upcoming November Council Meeting.

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