Urgent Plea: Daku Village Seawall Needed

Residents of Daku village on Kia Island in Macuata are requesting the government to build a seawall to protect their community. This appeal comes as villagers face the constant threat of climate change. According to Joana Finau, spokesperson for the Daku Emergency Development Committee, coastal erosion is severely threatening their livelihoods, and homes could soon be at risk.

Ms. Finau believes that constructing a seawall would mitigate the erosion. “Our land is being washed away by the sea. Climate change is a threat we face every day,” she stated. Her husband, Apikuku Finau, also emphasized the urgency, saying, “The lives of the 11 households are now at stake. The seawall can help protect our homes from the advancing sea.”

The development committee has placed high priority on this project, along with addressing the water crisis and building an evacuation center. Currently in the United States, Ms. Finau reiterated the urgency of the situation: “Every day, a bit of the coastline is washed away. We urgently want government help. There is a program devoted to seawall construction, and we ask if our village can be included.”

Additionally, Ms. Finau suggests that the responsible ministry increase awareness among coastal villages about the challenges posed by climate change.

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