Urgent Call to Tackle Inequality and Poverty in Fiji

There is an urgent necessity to address the growing inequality and poverty affecting more than half of the population. During the launch of the National Development Plan 2025-2029 and Vision 2050 at the Grand Pacific Hotel, Deputy Prime Minister Manoa Kamikamica emphasized that every citizen should receive essential support to narrow the inequality gap and reduce poverty levels.

Mr. Kamikamica highlighted the seriousness of these challenges, stating, “I have to address these challenges head on with urgency.” He referenced a recent income survey conducted by the ADB, which indicates that approximately 29.9 percent of the population, amounting to 258,053 individuals, live below the poverty line of less than $86.10 per month, with an additional 200,000 individuals facing financial difficulties.

He noted that these numbers have likely worsened due to the impacts of COVID-19 and the rising cost of living over the past four years, primarily driven by inflation. “This highlights a significant disparity and inequality among more than 52 percent of our population. This finding has also been backed by the widely recognized Household and Income Survey,” he stated.

Mr. Kamikamica expressed that rebuilding the nation and fostering unity is challenging when over half of the population is struggling to meet basic needs. He affirmed the government’s commitment to tackling these issues in both the short and medium term, urging an innovative approach beyond traditional methods.

He argued for a revitalization of the national budget to effectively address the gulf of inequality and poverty. “Significant improvements have been made in housing standards, and the economy is developing sustainably. Basic infrastructure has been enhanced, allowing villages better access to education, health services, and improved road networks.”

The National Development Plan 2025-2029 and Vision 2050 aims to empower the people of Fiji through unity. To facilitate this vision, the NDP will implement a series of policies and strategies structured around three main pillars: economic resilience, people empowerment, and good governance. The overarching goal of the NDP is to enhance national prosperity, alleviate poverty, and elevate the social and economic well-being of the people.

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