Urgent Alert: Rising Danger of Needles in Fiji’s Recycling Efforts

As drug-related incidents rise in Fiji, the Pacific Recycling Foundation (PRF) is urgently appealing for attention to a growing issue: the discovery of used needles and syringes in its recycling programs across community and educational settings, as well as during cleanup campaigns.

PRF is deeply troubled by the increasing presence of these hazardous materials, which poses significant risks to the health and safety of both recycling workers and the general public. Recent findings, particularly during a cleanup initiative in Koronivia, highlight the seriousness of this issue.

Amitesh Deo, the founder of PRF, noted that as a grassroots organization, they are witnessing the impact of Fiji’s drug crisis firsthand. There has been a disturbing rise in the number of needles and syringes encountered in their recycling programs and community clean-up efforts.

The Foundation emphasizes the critical need for proper disposal of all medical waste, including syringes and needles, through secure and designated channels. Since recycling programs are not designed to handle potentially hazardous materials, their presence can lead to serious injuries and the risk of disease transmission.

Furthermore, PRF is calling for greater vigilance and cooperation from all sectors to help prevent the dangers associated with the improper disposal of hazardous waste.

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