“Unmasking the Shield: Police Officers Face Serious Charges”

Five police officers are facing serious charges, including sexual offenses, assault, drug-related crimes, and violations of a Domestic Violence Restraining Order, as announced last month.

Acting Police Commissioner Sakeo Raikaci emphasized that police officers can also be victims of crime, especially while performing their duties. He noted that there were 25 incidents of serious assault against police officers, one case of obstruction of an officer in the execution of their duties, and nine instances of resisting arrest.

The Fiji Police Force has stated that policing is a demanding job, and officers regularly put their lives and safety at risk while carrying out their responsibilities. Raikaci highlighted that dealing with these challenges is part of their commitment to serve the community.

He reported a 17 percent reduction in the overall crime rate compared to the previous month, July, which reflects the joint efforts of both police and the community in tackling crime.

Raikaci also acknowledged the pledges made by religious and community leaders to help reduce crime. He urged these leaders to maintain their momentum and continuously explore ways to enhance collaboration for safer neighborhoods. “There is strength in numbers, and together we can curb illegal activities and protect our women, children, and vulnerable communities by reporting suspicious activities and crimes,” he stated.

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